Exhibitor Application Form

Thank you for your interest in joining us at the Olds Health and Wellness Expo. Whether your business touches upon mental, physical, financial, emotional, social, occupational, intellectual, or environmental health, we welcome you to join us! Vendors and presenters are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, although local vendors are preferred. A maximum of two vendors per unique product/service are accepted (for example, only 2 "essential oils" vendors will be accepted). If you have any questions, please email Kim at kim.rae.free@gmail.com . Thank you!

Registration fees cover the costs of the rental of the space, advertising (posters, radio, Facebook, multiple website and more), and administration.

Would you be interested in speaking/presenting or demonstrating at the event, in a side room?:

If yes, how much time would you like (including setup/take down):

Booth Size

Is power required? (Please bring your own extension cords)

For more information, please contact Kim at kim.rae.free@gmail.com

Register in advance to guarantee your spot. Limited spots available. Booths will be assigned prior to the event on a first paid basis. No refunds will be issued.